My Favorite Month Is February

One of the reasons I love February is because my birthday is in february.Also,i like it because Valentines is in February.Its cool because my favorite color is red.As well as,you might get some snow during the middle of Winter it starts getting colder.That is why February is my favorite month.


It was a dark and stormy night,alex was 11 years old.It had been 3 years now he had still believed there were ghost in his room?The kids at school picked on him.He had just about enough of it.He  knew he needed it.So here is the plan 11:15 wait to her noises 11:20 gets out of bed and takes pic.7:30 shows proof.So it didin’t turn out so good,”Awww let me go” Alex said.”hooooo”boomed the ghost.He knew he had to think quick.For some reason the ghost took him to the haunted house he had been wanting to go to.He got of the ghost and his friends were there to say”boooo”HAPPY HALLOWEEN.